The TRU Community Trust is structured like other well-established university property trusts. It is governed by its own Board of Directors which meets throughout the year to advise on corporate operations, plan development sites, and make decisions to create a healthy future for the Trust.
The Board of Directors includes the TRU President and VP Administration and Finance, a representative from the TRU Board of Governors, and a TRU Faculty and TRU Student representative. There are also six external community leaders who bring valuable development industry and financial experience to the Board. All Directors share the vision of developing university lands to support the Campus Master Plan and work together to make sound decisions for the benefit of Thompson Rivers University and the TRU Foundation.

BOB HOLDEN - Board Chair
Bob Holden, CPA, CA, is an Associate Investment Advisor with Bank of Montreal Nesbit Burns. His career includes serving as a partner at KPMG LLP’s Kamloops office and as Chief Financial Officer for Pinnacle Renewable Energy Ltd. Bob’s volunteer activities have extended to many community organizations in the Kamloops area, including TRU, where he helped establish the Alumni Association, raised money for a successful capital campaign to upgrade the University’s library and sat on the Board of Governors from December 2011 to December 2015.
FIONA CHAN - Vice-Chair
Fiona Chan is recently retired from Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) where she was AVP Credit Risk Management. Her involvement with TRU has spanned over 22 years, beginning with her various roles at UCC Foundation of which she was chair for 2 years. Fiona was also Chair of the TRU Board of Governors for two years during her appointment to the Board between 2008 and 2014. Fiona continues to be involved with the TRU community at large, currently serving as co-chair of the Limitless Campaign as well as a mentor to students.
NORM DALEY -Finance Committee Chair
Norm Daley has provided the community with decades of service as a volunteer to Kamloops sports and arts organizations, and has previously been named the Kamloops Changer’s business person of the year and received the Pioneer Spirit Award from the City of Kamloops council. Previously, Mr. Daley was a chartered professional accountant and founded Daley and Company LLP.
BRIAN ROSS - Director at Large
Brian Ross practiced law with Fulton & Company LLP from 1971 to 2016 with particular emphasis on corporate, commercial, and real estate transactions for businesses, local governments and corporations. Brian also served as Chair of the TRU Board of Governors for two years before joining the Trust Board in 2015.
NANCY GREENE RAINE - Director at Large
Nancy Greene Raine is a recently retired Senator and the Director of Skiing at Sun Peaks Resort. She has long been active in the development of winter tourism in British Columbia. Nancy also served as the first Chancellor of Thompson Rivers University from 2004 to 2011.
BUD SMITH - Director at Large
Bud Smith is the President of Mejia Property Inc. Mr. Smith served as the Member of Legislative Assembly for Kamloops from 1986 to 1991. During his tenure, he served as BC’s Regional Development Minister and the Attorney General. Previously, Mr. Smith was a Partner at Mair Jensen Blair in Kamloops.
JIM HAMILTON - TRU Board of Governors Representative
Jim Hamilton was President and Chief Executive Officer of Okanagan College from 2004 until April 2021. Previously, Mr. Hamilton served as a Regional Principal for Okanagan University College and has ten years of experience as a faculty member. His background also includes eight years as an administrator with School District 22 and several years working as a market research and communications consultant.
BRETT FAIRBAIRN - President and Vice-Chancellor, Thompson Rivers University
Brett Fairbairn became President of TRU in December 2018. Previously, Brett taught and served in leadership roles at the University of Saskatchewan (USask) for over 30 years, including Provost and Vice-President Academic from 2008 to 2014. For his last five years at USask, Brett was a professor at the Johnson Shoyama School of Public Policy, teaching about ethical leadership in democracy and public service, social economy, and co-operatives in the new economy. He is a strong believer in community-based research, active citizenship, and has a history of serving in community voluntary leadership roles.
MATT MILOVICK - Vice-President, Administration & Finance, Thompson Rivers University
Matt has 19 years of post-secondary administration experience. He has two undergraduate degrees, B.Sc and BAS, a Masters of Education in post-secondary administration and a Certified Management Accountant (CMA) designation. He has held senior and executive positions with various post-secondary institutions previously and was appointed the Vice-President, Administration & Finance in 2013.
BRIAN BOUTHILLIER - Faculty Representative
Brian is a professor in the English as a Second Language department at TRU. Prior to joining TRU in 2001, Brian taught ESL at private language schools in Vancouver and Mexico, and was an instructor at the College of New Caledonia in Prince George. Brian has a undergraduate degree in Creative Writing, a TESL Diploma, and a M.A. in Applied Linguistics.
STUDENT TRU - Student Union Representative
The Trust Board of Directors includes an elected representative from the TRU Student Union. Student representatives serve one-year terms on the Board.